Ethos, Values and Aims
Vision Statement
Enriching Lives
Unleashing Possibilities
Building Futures
Mission Statement
We believe that all pupils deserve high quality education which engages, inspires and challenges, so that everyone meets their full potential. We strive to create a safe and happy learning environment which promotes independence and high expectations of all. We are committed to providing opportunities which promote open-mindedness, empathy and celebration of the rich and diverse community we serve so that everyone is able to contribute positively to society. We are dedicated to promoting healthy lifestyle choices so that our pupils develop physically, emotionally and morally. We are determined that our pupils will be successful and leave us as confident, highly educated members of the community.
We do this by
- Raising achievement through quality first teaching which enthuses and motivates; inspiring all to fulfil their potential
- Ensuring pupil voice is at the heart of all we do to enable children to become confident, resilient and reflective independent learners
- Offering a rich, varied and relevant curriculum which includes ensuring that all children can read, write and are numerate
- Having an open and welcoming environment where everyone feels welcome and included
Opossum Values
The Opossum Federation community has identified the following values which guide our work. We expect that all members of our community agree to demonstrate these values.
To help protect our rights and to encourage responsibility, we have Golden Expectations for our school which demonstrate our core values
We are considerate of our own actions and words and of how we treat others and our environment
We are bold in what we believe our schools and those who are a part of Opossum can achieve
We show kindness and concern for self and others
We always do the right thing in the right way
We like to use original and imaginative ideas
We are socially concerned and believe in supporting the wider Opossum community
British Values Statement
We value the diverse backgrounds of all pupils, families and the wider school community. Our schools reflect British Values in all that we do. We aim to prepare the children to make a positive contribution to British society and the world. Through the curriculum we focus on global citizenship and strong personal values. We nurture independent learning skills, encouraging every student to take responsibility for themselves and their learning.
We actively promote British Values in the following ways:
- Children are encouraged to share their opinions and their contributions are always valued. Children also have the opportunity to have their voices heard through pupil conferences and surveys
- Election of Pupil Parliament members are based on pupil votes after each child has shared their plans and beliefs with their class
- Representatives from each parliament work together in the Federation Pupil Parliament to consider wider issues
- The principle of democracy is explored in the curriculum as well as in circle times and assemblies.
Rule of Law
- Our behaviour expectations are founded on the federation’s core values and apply to all members of the school community
- Expectations are clear, fair and regularly promoted
- We are Rights’ Respecting schools; children understand their responsibilities in ensuring everyone’s rights are respected
- Pupils are encouraged to respect the law; we have visits from authorities such as the police, fire and ambulance services to help reinforce this message
Individual Liberty
- Within school, pupils are actively encouraged, and given the freedom to make choices, knowing that they are in a safe and supportive environment, e.g. choosing learning challenges and participation in clubs
- Pupils are supported to develop their self-knowledge, self-esteem and self-confidence
- Pupils are encouraged to take responsibility for their behaviour and they understand the importance of making the right choices
- Pupils are encouraged to know, understand and exercise their rights and personal freedoms and are advised how to exercise these safely, for example through our online safety teaching and PSHE lessons
- Pupils have key roles and responsibilities in school e.g. Games Makers, prefects, Librarians, Sports Leaders.
Mutual Respect
- Respect is a core value to the Opossum community and it is deeply embedded in learning and behaviour. It underpins our work every day, both in and outside of the classroom.
- The pupils know and understand that it is expected that respect is shown to everyone, adults and children
Tolerance of those with Different Faiths and Beliefs
- We promote a sense of belonging by supporting pupils to understand their value and contribution in a culturally diverse society
- We offer a culturally rich and diverse curriculum in which all major religions are studied and respected
- Cultural appreciation and development is integrated throughout our curriculum. We place emphasis on providing encounters and participation in events and celebrations to broaden all pupils’ experiences and awareness of others
- Assemblies and PSHE lessons help all pupils to find out about themselves and others, linking their lives to the communities in which they belong. The themes cover areas such as: friendships, helping others and celebrations from a range of faiths and world events
- Through the PSHE and RE curriculum, pupils are encouraged to discuss and respect differences between people, such as: faith, ethnicity, disability, gender or sexuality and differences in family compositions.