Local Support Networks
Community Help Network https://www.walthamforest.gov.uk/content/covid-19-community-help-network
Waltham Forest Citizens Advice
Offering advice on a range of issues including money, benefits, housing and employment.
Advice line: 0300 330 1175
Waltham Forest Citizens Advice
Local foodbanks
- Eat or Heat - gary@eatorheat.org info@eatorheat.org, 0800 772 0212, Monday, Wednesday, Friday 6.30 to 7.30pm
- Rukhsana Khan Foundation - rukhsanakhanfoundation@outlook.com, 07980 351 351, Saturdays 10am to 12pm
- Hornbeam - info@hornbeam.org.uk, 020 8558 6880 / 07492 915531, Daily 12 to 3pm
- PL84U Al Suffah - pl84ualsuffah@gmail.com, 07539 364110, 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month
- Al-Fath Trust - www.alfathtrust.co.uk, contact@alfathtrust.co.uk 37 Palmerston Road, London E17 6PR