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EYFS Curriculum





It is essential that pupils develop language comprehension and word reading skills. Pupils are encouraged to engage in conversations that develop understanding of the wider world and foster a love for reading, rhymes, poems and songs. Literacy skills are further developed with a focus on word reading where pupils are expected to read words consistent with their phonic knowledge, say a sound for each letter of the alphabet and read simple sentences. On entering key stage one pupils should be able to write some recognisable letters, identify sounds in words and write a simple phrase or sentence which can be read by others.



Physical Development /PE



Physical activity is vital aspect for pupils development, supporting both physical and mental health and well-being. Pupils in EYFS are taught the importance of an active and healthy lifestyle. In nursery and reception the focus is on ensuring children develop the ability to navigate space successfully, develop co-ordination, balance and build core strength. Pupils are encouraged to talk about activities they can do to develop these skills, and understand how they support social and emotional well-being. There is also a focus on developing fine motor skills and hand-eye co-ordination using one handed tools, completing puzzles and building models using various resources. These  activities support pupils with developing proficiency, control and precision. At the end of their time in the early years pupils should be able to move energetically, navigate space, use a range of small tools and hold a pencil effectively for writing. 





In the early years children are given the opportunity to develop a deep understanding of numbers to 10 and the relationships between them. Pupils are encouraged to use manipulatives such as tens frames to organise and develop their counting skills as well as develop their knowledge and vocabulary of number. Pupils are expected to recall number bonds up to 5 and some number bonds up to 10. Recognising numerical patterns is also a vital aspect of numeracy development. Pupils should be able to compare quantities up to 10 in different contexts, explore and represent patterns within numbers to 10 and how quantities can be distributed equally.  



Understanding the World – History




Understanding the world involves children making sense of their local surroundings, community and the wider world. By engaging with a broad selection of fiction and non-fiction texts, rhymes and poems children learn and understand concepts such as past and present. Children will be able to draw on some of what has been read to them to talk about similarities and differences and the lives of people around us and their role within society. Pupils are expected to understand the past by the settings, characters and photographs that have been shared and discussed with them.



Understanding the World -Geography




Pupils are supported to develop an awareness of people, culture and communities. Through conversation and engagement with props and resources pupils are expected to articulate their understanding of their local community and environment, know the similarities and differences that exist between themselves, their community and the world around them. Pupils are also supported to explain how life in this country may differ to another country through observations of the weather, homes, culture and languages.


Understanding the World -Science



It is essential that pupils have both an understanding and appreciation of the natural world. In the early years children are encouraged to explore and make observations of pictures, animals and plants. By engaging in discussions about weather, seasons and changing states of matter pupils are expected to articulate and express scientific ideas as well as develop lines of enquiry.



Expressive Arts and Design-

Art and design





Supporting pupils artistic and cultural awareness is crucial when developing both their imagination and creativity. Children are given regular opportunities to engage with art as well as explore and experiment with a range of media and materials. Children are encouraged to communicate their thoughts, feelings, ideas and opinions through art. By the end of reception pupils are expected to safely use tools and techniques to achieve a planned effect, share creations and verbalise the processes used to reach the final outcome.


Expressive Arts and Design





The quality of what children hear is crucial for developing their understanding, interpretation, self-expression and response to  music. To begin with, pupils are encouraged to participate in familiar rhymes and songs to develop vocabulary and

expression. As they progress through the early years, pupils engage with music from around the world, therefore developing cultural capital and an appreciation for sound. Pupils explore a variety of instruments and are encouraged to experiment with sounds and recognise a variety of instruments. Before entering key stage one pupils are expected to have a repertoire of familiar songs and rhymes and be able to perform alongside others.



Personal and Social Education





Supporting children’s personal, social and emotional development is crucial for ensuring that pupils can thrive during their time in EYFS, school education and beyond. The early years foundation stage focuses on developing positive relationships and interactions ensuring that children are able to express and articulate their own feelings as well as understand and respect the needs of others. Adults focus on ensuring that pupils know how to take care of themselves, manage their personal needs and know the importance of healthy eating and living. From learning how to wash our hands thoroughly to understanding the importance of getting enough sleep, pupils in nursery and reception are taught how to take care of themselves so that they are happy, healthy and independent. All pupils should be able to work towards simple goals, follow instructions, be resilient and confident and work and play cooperatively with others.



Communication and Language





Providing pupils with a language rich environment is crucial for their development in the early years. Pupils are encouraged to have consistent interactions with adults and peers to develop their ability to use and understand new vocabulary and be able to express their ideas and feelings using the past, present and future tenses. Pupils engage in reading activities frequently so that new language can be embedded and used in a range of contexts. Children are expected to be able to respond appropriately to what they hear, ask questions to clarify understanding and participate in discussions using new vocabulary independently.



